Book Fair

Come back to discover the book fair 2022
The Manitoba Book Fair was relaunched in 2018 by La Maison Gabrielle-Roy and CEFCO. The following year, Les Éditions du Blé and the Association des auteur s du Manitoba français joined in the fun!
The organizing members of the Salon would like to thank their privileged partners: Regroupement des éditions franco-canadiens, Caisse Financial Group, ICI Manitoba and Librairie À la Page.

Saturday, April 3, 2021
The 2021 edition, all virtual, around the theme “Literature makes noise! will take place on Saturday, April 3, 2021!
Three authors are honored this year:Lyne Gareau(British Columbia),Eric Plamondon(Manitoba) andSonia Cotten(Quebec).
The Manitoba Book Fair was relaunched in 2018 by The Gabrielle-Roy House and CEFCO. The year that followed, Les Editions du Blé and theAssociation of Authors of French Manitoba joined the party!
The organizing members of the Show would like to thank their privileged partners: Grouping of French-Canadian publishers, Caisse Financial Group, HERE Manitoba et On the Page Bookstore.